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Word sample - Shaping words

DR. GÜNTER NIESSEN Word sample - Shaping words Pay attention to your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Pay attention to your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they shape your character....

Our nervous system - integration - coordination - pain

DR. GÜNTER NIESSEN Our Nervous System - Integration - Coordination - Pain Our Nervous System - Integration - Coordination - Pain Yoga is primarily about the integration of body and breath with the aim of achieving...

A declaration of friendship

DR. GÜNTER NIESSEN A declaration of friendship In the last century, muscles were big in fashion and got a lot of attention in the health scene. From today's perspective, the research accessible at the time was still in the...

Shoulder workshop, headstand stool and more

DR. GÜNTER NIESSEN Shoulder workshop, headstand stool and more The headstand stool - an overview Exciting questions keep reaching me from yoga teachers of the different yoga styles. Who should, may and can use the headstand stool and...

"Diagnoses make people sick"

DR. GÜNTER NIESSEN "Diagnoses make people ill" "Diagnoses make people ill" Yes and no; diagnoses can provide clarity, but in their effect they definitely have more potential to stigmatise people with their complaints, to "inscribe" them...

Pacemaker - and now?

DR. GÜNTER NIESSEN Pacemaker - and now? Pacemaker - and now? A question I am often asked concerns people with pacemakers. Most recently, the question sounded like this: "My mother-in-law recently got a pacemaker. She has...
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